IGS Art Camp

November 13, 2017

Students and teachers from International Grammar School Sydney stayed Bruny Island Lodge for an art camp. Using inspiration from the natural surroundings, they worked together to create works of art.


More Bruny Island Journal

Te Rapunga logo

February 11, 2019

Te Rapunga at the Wooden Boat Festival, Hobart

Erika Grundmann, author of Dark Sun, and Tracy Thomas from Bruny Island Coastal Retreats, appear on ABC Radio Hobart to talk about the restoration of Te Rapunga and the Wooden Boat Festival in Hobart.

Te Rapunga CAD

February 8, 2019

Use of CAD technology for the restoration of Te Rapunga

This video shows how CAD technology is being used for the restoration of Te Rapunga.

Bruni D'Entrecasteaux cave

July 13, 2018

A Spin of a Coin - Bruni D'Entrecasteaux

Following the coastline of Bruny Island, you might chance upon a rock formation that bears a striking resemblance to one of the great explorers in history.

Fixing the Cat-astrophe!

May 17, 2017

Fixing the Cat-astrophe!

It’s a well-known fact that feral cats have contributed to the extinction of several Australian bird and mammal species, whilst threatening the existence of many more.